Friday, May 23, 2014

Letter to the Minster of Education, Youth and Sports

Dear Your Excellency,

I am writing to raise my concern about the application to join 16th ASEAN-Korean Future-Oriented Youth Exchange Programme.

The deadline of the application is Monday 12, January 2014, but we, Cambodian youth just got the information today from the MoEYS Facebook page, which gives us, especially youth in the provinces, a very limited time to apply since Monday, the deadline day is all we have. I checked the MoEYS website regularly, but I did not see anything.

Isn't it obvious that the Ministry of Education is trying not to share it to the public to keep this opportunity for some exclusive people like it has always been rumored?

I don't know whether you have taken noticed of this matter or not, but please help us since there are a lot of young potential youth out there who are really qualified for the programme.

I wish you a very happy new year and success in leading the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.
Please excuse me for my informality in this letter since I'm so anxious to share to you. I look forward to your reply.

Best Regards,

CHEAB Puthika