Sunday, September 11, 2016

A Dream Comes True

"SINGER” was the ONLY answer to a question people asked me, “What do you want to be in the future?” when I was so young that I can’t remember what age I was back then. Instead of getting praise and support, I was let down. There’s one thing called norm that I needed to conform, so I just kept the dream of becoming a singer to myself, never had confidence to post any videos of me singing on social networks because I was constantly teased that my voice sucked. I believed in what people said but my heart. Tired and stressed with this unstoppably demanding world, I decided to get out of my comfort zone to do what I love to do—writing song and singing—despite knowing nothing about music. And here I am today, a singer-songwriter at Songkites, a community of original artists.
First, I would love to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thanks Carrie Herbert, Euan Gray and Bong Soria Oung for believing in me from the very beginning and letting me into the community of talents. Thanks for the mentorship, patience, motivation, inspiration and trust. Up until now, I still can’t believe that I’ve come into this path. I keep asking myself who I am, why I should be one among these very talented artists, what good I have done to receive such a privilege. Second, thanks to Ting Tong, Sophia Kao, Marie Thach, Sam TheUnbreakable, Felix Séa Banh Zung NevaEnufer, Brooklyn Jc, and Bong Sai Bt for being good friends, being supportive and giving your honest advice for nothing but my own good. I really don’t know the right words to express how grateful I am to each and every one of you in Songkites right now. Just know that I’m forever thankful. Third, thanks the musicians who helped play the instruments very beautifully, APSARA MERA PRODUCTION crew for helping run the concert very professionally and smoothly, Kate Korpi Salon for making me fabulous on stage, other media teams who shot great photos of me, and the rests who were involved in the concert. Most importanly, thanks my family, relatives, best friends, friends, fans and everyone for your undying supports whether by coming to cheer me in the concert or sending me love on Facebook and Instagram. You’re the reason that I held my head up high when performing.
Talking about my performance, I know I lack a lot as an artist, but I would humbly ask you guys to give me time to improve. I promise I will work harder to be a better version of myself as a songwriter, singer and performer. And again, thanks for your cheers even not knowing who I was back then. A new artist has just been born, so please keep an eye on me and be part of my journey to make more original music for Cambodia <3
Photos by Ah Sva Media and Nataly Lee