Monday, April 8, 2013

Hot-Blooded Generation

On 26 March, 2013, I got premiere ticket to see the movie (The Croods) at Legend Cinema. Oh my goodness!!! This movie is super awesome. It made me laugh like wild from the beginning till the end. But what made me remember the most about that day was not the movie but something happened in the underground parking lot.

It’s not special to people working in City Mall, but it’s to me. There’s a night club there, and it’s not about the night club that surprised me but the people who went in there. Guess what? Who are they? Unbelievable, they are just very young teenagers. Most of them seem to me under eighteen, but they acted as if they were old enough to legally go into such a place. Many questions came to my mind were that was there any legal action had been practiced there? Why local authorities seemed to overlook this place? What about those teenagers’ parents? Where were they? Did they know their young children came to night club? Didn't they worry about their children’s safety, as it was 9: 30 pm already?

I do feel pity toward those teens, for they don’t know what they’re doing right now. They've given upon themselves and enjoyed life full of excitement. They’re going to regret on what they've done and end up with depression and blaming themselves if they don’t have any intention to repent. What I can do is pray to GOD to make a change in them.

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