Thursday, January 16, 2014

2013 Review

Looking back at how I’ve lived my life in 2013, I just feel so blessed. I didn’t get anything I wanted, but everything I needed was supplied by God. I have the family that can’t be exchanged with any priceless things on earth. And the besties around me never failed to cheer me up. I got friends that always taught me how to smile and to laugh like wild. I’ve received so much love up to the point that I forget how to hate people except my sh*tty government.

However, there’re still many problematic things that cost me heartbreak, headache, sickness, disappointment, stress, sadness, loneliness, and stuff. But who cares? Those sorts of things were sent to make a stronger me. I might have been disliked by some or even many people because of my wrongful acts or straightforward speaking, and I’m sorry for that if I hurt you to whatever extend. But if the inconvenient truth I spoke happened to make you feel uneasy, I’m sorry that I have no intention to stop me from expressing it out.Talking about the remarkable achievements, I think there’s nothing much. I got employed as a part-time English teacher which is the brand-new experience for me. Because of this job, I can live on my own, but still, I needa ask for extra money from mom for partying and shopping. More than that, I also left me some spaces for voluntary works that I’m kinda addicted to them, and thank God for exposing me to the right people that become my friends later on through those works.

The mission in 2013 is accomplished, and I’m ready to rock another one in 2014. Thank God, family (especially mom and dad), besties, friends, mates, and everyone I know for being around me just because of who I am. Happy New Year and GOD bless you all.

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