Thursday, February 12, 2015

The LO for Azerbaijan Delegation? Challenge Accepted

Assigned to be an LO (Liaison Officer) for Azerbaijan Delegation in UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture hosted by Cambodian Government, specifically by Ministry of Toursim, I was quite blank since never had I known this country before, leading me to a mixture of a little disappointment and excitement. Shortly after this, I googled Azerbaijan up and found out some basic information but got no time to search for details because I was jammed with deadlines at my workplace and freelance work at that time, and most of the sites I searched were in Azerbaijan or Turkish itself, I’m not sure, which I couldn’t understand even a word.

Prior to the event, there were a few trainings for LOs to help us be ready for the hospitality for delegations’ stay in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It was so serious that got me nervous for just thinking of the stuff I was supposed to take lead. Arranging motorcade and VIP car together with SO (Security Officer) to mobilize delegates from Siem Reap International Airport to the hotel and vice versa, facilitating the delegates to pay a courtesy call to Prime Minister of Cambodia, assisting them during the gala dinner with the King of Cambodia, and many more were alien to me. But this wasn’t nerve-wrecking as the thought of working directly for the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan for five days.  My heart beat so fast when thinking of this. It was seriously worrisome  since I was so afraid of having flaws, which could easily displease the delegates. All I could do was prepare and prepare.

On the 2nd of Febuary, it came to welcoming my delegates at the airport. They looked so cold that I wasn’t even able to do self-introduction properly because of nervousness. There were two of them, one was Mr. Nazim Samadov, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, and the other was Ramil Abbakirov, his assistant. My first impression was they were tough that needed me to remain professional and distanced as much as possible. I with people from Ministry of Tourism managed to get everything done for the check-in at the airport and the hotel but with some difficulties at the immigration office. First mission was turned down, and many more were coming tensely. The second day came, and it’s day I realized that they are really nice, easy-going and so down-to-earth after accompanying them to shopping at Old Market, pre-conference tour at Tonle Sap Lake and dinner at Pub Street. I was allowed to sit with them and had a talk on different topics. Since then, the barrier between us was demolished, and I started to feel close to them without being nervous anymore. Because of this, I was even more motivated to give all I had as an LO of Azerbaijan Delegation.

The third day which was the 4th of February was the toughest day. I was told by my team leader to be super serious regarding the courtesy call on Prime Minister of Cambodia by heads of delegations at Le Meredian Angkor Hotel. Again, this mission was successfully done with the chance to see my Prime Minister in real life for the very first time. In the evening, there came the biggest challenge of the conference, which was “Gala Dinner” with the King of Cambodia at the Elephant Terrace, 15-mins drive from the hotel my delegates stayed. Since every delegate was expected to join the motorcade with others to the venue at the same time, all LOs and responsible parties like VIP car drivers, SOs, protocol people and Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia were closely working together to make sure that all heads of delegations would be driven to the venue on time and safely. If not, LOs were the only person to receive all the blames. One of the matters that could possibly turn the process into a disaster was delegates’ lateness. Blessed enough, my delegates are the most punctual of all. While other LOs kept complaining about their delegates being late, I felt really sorry for mine for having to wait for others all the time during the conference since they were always on time. Finally, my delegates were brought to the venue and led to their seats together with the King and other delegates from all around the world to enjoy the dinner and Cambodian cultural performances, and it was another first time that I saw the King in real life.

Courtesy call and gala dinner had already passed, and the thought of indulging myself with a simple rest just came to me, but it didn't go as wished. Another big assignment was just thrown at me. It was a number of bilateral meetings with ministers from different countries that my delegates proposed. Never had I thought of being responsible for this task. Honestly, it sounded like the wall I couldn't climb because I’m not a kind who is up to challenge, but for that time, I needed to be even if I didn't want to. Arranging the bilateral meeting between minister and minister? Isn't it something that only protocol or international-affair officers can do? Thankfully, with the fullest support and cooperation from the secretariat and my fellow LOs responsible for ministers my delegates proposed to meet, several bilateral meetings with the Secretary General of UNWTO and the heads of delegations from Mexico, Republic of Korea, Seychelles and India, and small meetings with Minster of Culture and Minster of Tourism of Cambodia were smoothly arranged. OMG!!! The impossible things just happened to me.

With just a blink of an eye, the last day already came, so I was determined to get my delegates enjoy every single bit of the visit in Siem Reap Angkor. According to the plan, they were supposed to join the post-conference tour with other delegates, but because of the miscommunication with the travel agency responsible for arranging the tour and the lateness of other delegates’, we together with Lithuanian delegates decided to go for the tour on our own because I so hated to keep them wait any longer. Like planned, the whole day of temple tour was well spent. I was so humbly happy to be able to bring them to Bonteay Srey, Ta Prum, Angkor Wat and Bayon Temple, the Elephant Ride at Angkor Thom gate and finally another shopping for the spirit in the city center. It’s something that I couldn't be proud more when seeing the delegates interested in our temples.

The whole day of temple tour had gone; it was time they needed to leave Cambodia for Azerbaijan. Their flight was at 00:10 am, and I needed to stick with them until they were on board. Ironically, I told myself my mission was accomplished, but no. A big problem happened that almost got me burst out crying. Their flight was scheduled to transit in Beijing for 24 hours, so they would need the luggage for the personal use, but the airline company just sent them directly to Azerbaijan even with many notices from me and Ramil, telling they would transit in Beijing for 24 hours. To me, it was the darkest moment ever for being an LO. How could the worst thing happen at the last moment? However, with a very intense negotiation with the airline company, everything was settled, making me feel like being born again. I was assigned to send them off till boarding, initially, but was told by a person from Ministry of Tourism to leave the airport shortly after we were done sorting out the problem. No choice, I had to say good bye to them, leaving me traumatized by separation anxiety.

It was one of the greatest experiences I ever had. With the honor to work closely with very down-to-earth Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism and his assistant from a far country I never knew. I got chance to learn new things and experience doing tasks I thought I was so limited to. I couldn’t be grateful enough for my team leaders from Council of Ministers for the great leadership, the organizing committee for the very well-organized conference, SOs, drivers  and my fellow LOs for their undying support and cooperation, and most importantly, my Azerbaijan delegates for accepting me as their LO and teaching me how worthy my volunteer work is. Mission accomplished!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Enough with the Stereotype

Born in rural area of Cambodia, which is culturally conservative, I had always been told not to be influenced by any foreign cultures regardless where they came from, making me regard any cultures different from mine were wrong. Politically, the hatred toward Vietnam, the neighboring country, had ingrained in me since birth because I am surrounded by the society that regards Vietnamese as our enemy due to countless cruel treatments and political influence from Vietnamese government on Cambodia as the history suggests.

Talking about my perspective toward the world, I branded western countries the heaven of democracy, peace and humanity. I defined Islam the religion of terrorism, so every Muslim, to me, was the terrorist. I stereotyped my fellow Asians the most selfish people of the humankind, and by Asians, I mean Chinese. All of my views toward certain race, culture and religion were shaped by people around me and local and international media, which the low interest in doing research on the matters also plays a role. I believe that the hatred or misunderstanding on Vietnamese, Muslims or Chinese exist not only in me but also most Cambodians, which lead us to nonsensically discriminate them in our daily life whether in school, workplace or international platform.

Not until I was selected to join programs abroad, with the participants from different Asian countries, I was able to interact with individuals who are Muslim, Vietnamese, Chinese and the like. I got my eyes open, realizing that not every Chinese is self-interested, Muslim is suicide attacker, or Vietnamese is obsessed with invading Cambodia. I felt guilty for having judged them the way I used to, for most of the people I encountered with were open-minded, respectful and selfless.

Therefore, I started to change my mind completely with the commitment to also change Cambodians’, starting from the family member, friends, neighbors to my students by advocating them not to jump into conclusion on certain race, culture or religion by the manipulated information or news the mainstream media and others wants us to know, because a lot more positive aspects behind the scene are not displayed.