Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Enough with the Stereotype

Born in rural area of Cambodia, which is culturally conservative, I had always been told not to be influenced by any foreign cultures regardless where they came from, making me regard any cultures different from mine were wrong. Politically, the hatred toward Vietnam, the neighboring country, had ingrained in me since birth because I am surrounded by the society that regards Vietnamese as our enemy due to countless cruel treatments and political influence from Vietnamese government on Cambodia as the history suggests.

Talking about my perspective toward the world, I branded western countries the heaven of democracy, peace and humanity. I defined Islam the religion of terrorism, so every Muslim, to me, was the terrorist. I stereotyped my fellow Asians the most selfish people of the humankind, and by Asians, I mean Chinese. All of my views toward certain race, culture and religion were shaped by people around me and local and international media, which the low interest in doing research on the matters also plays a role. I believe that the hatred or misunderstanding on Vietnamese, Muslims or Chinese exist not only in me but also most Cambodians, which lead us to nonsensically discriminate them in our daily life whether in school, workplace or international platform.

Not until I was selected to join programs abroad, with the participants from different Asian countries, I was able to interact with individuals who are Muslim, Vietnamese, Chinese and the like. I got my eyes open, realizing that not every Chinese is self-interested, Muslim is suicide attacker, or Vietnamese is obsessed with invading Cambodia. I felt guilty for having judged them the way I used to, for most of the people I encountered with were open-minded, respectful and selfless.

Therefore, I started to change my mind completely with the commitment to also change Cambodians’, starting from the family member, friends, neighbors to my students by advocating them not to jump into conclusion on certain race, culture or religion by the manipulated information or news the mainstream media and others wants us to know, because a lot more positive aspects behind the scene are not displayed.

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