Friday, March 29, 2013

Letter to JESUS


Thanks for your love You wholeheartedly give me. About 2000 years ago, You came to the earth not to ascend the throne but to save humankind. You had lived Your whole life for people, but at the end, You were crucified of no reason. On the cross, they put the throne of thorn on Your head, they struck You, they spat on You, they mocked You, and they blasphemed You until You died. I’m not worth enough to receive Your love, but because of Your grace, I’m able to.

Thanks for shedding Your blood for me, JESUS!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Obsession with Passion

When free time comes, I always enjoy myself by doing my hobbies. So what are they? They’re fashion sketches, music, movies, dance, and stuffs. Among all of these, I like fashion sketch the most. Even I like it so much, I don’t choose fashion as my profession, but I keep creating new fashion sketches. Someday, I hope my designs will come out as real.

Currently, I’m the junior at Institute of Foreign Languages majoring in Bachelor of Art in English. At the same academic year, I’m also the student of Public Administration at Royal University of Law and Economics. Deciding to study these two majors which are completely different from my passion doesn’t  mean that I stop loving it. As fashion design is too expensive to study, I have to keep me wait until I graduate and be able to earn money by myself to pay for the school fee.

I’m kinda obsessed with fashion so much that I always come up with the new concepts, and then I draft them on papers even on my textbooks or notebooks. That’s why I’m always scolded by my teachers and friends. They asked me, “you love fashion, so why don’t you study it?”, and I answered, “no money, no honey.” Of course, I regard FASHION DESIGN as my HONEY, as I think about it day and night. I wanna be a fashion designer, no need to be famous, but just the one who can make people feel unique, confident, and comfortable whenever they put my designs on.

Study Mission to Kompong Spue Province

On Jan 29, 2013 I together with my three classmates Lalin, Darith, and Thavy, went to Kompong Spue province under the mission to study about the provincial administration at the city council in order to do a report for my Public Administration Law Lecturer. At first, I did feel hesitated to go, but I was forced to, for if I hadn’t, I would have been deducted the scores. With no hope of fun, I reached there at around 9 am. Honestly, Kompong Spue isn’t the place I love to visit, because there’re not many tourist attractions. From home, I thought people working there would be unwelcome to young university students like us, but it’s 180o different from my prediction. From the beginning till the end, they’d facilitated us with everything we wanted to search for namely administration structure, population statistics, development reports, and so forth. I couldn’t believe how strange it was, as I and other friends used to complain how arrogant the public servants mostly were when we turned to them for help. Without money as an exchange for public service, it’s hard for us to be treated warmly. But in Kompong Spue, we spent nothing on it even a 100 riel in. What is more, I was touched by two young adults whom we asked for a lift. You know what, without reluctant, they agreed to drive us from Po Pe Phnom, local resort to city council. We’re really grateful to them, as we would have had to walk on foot for about 3km without their help. By experiencing these two things, I felt so positive. I optimistically hope that Cambodia will change for the better in this near future. I wish you're reading this, Kompong Spue people.