Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Applying to study at IFL was not the original decision of mine; it was my dad’s. He did insist that I had to take the entrance exam of IFL, no matter what. At that time, I pessimistically believed IFL was too far to reach, so I’d better not to waste time on taking the preparation course. By GOD’s grace, I was admitted to be an IFLer, whom many people want to be. With just a blink of an eye, I’m a senior now. I have made countless memories here, both breathtaking and suffering.

Honestly, stepping on IFL’s campus for the first time, I felt not belong at all, as to my two eyes, I saw everyone was so intelligent that I, for sure, was not. I did ask myself a question, “who am I daring to study here?” All I could answer was I was just a country youth who came to pursue my study in Phnom Penh alone in the most challenging environment with the low percentage of success. But the longer I spend times at IFL, the deeper I explore myself and people around me. Compared to who I was back to 3 years ago, I have improved a lot in terms of English language even if it’s not satisfying yet. It’s like watching a comedy show when I read my past English writings. Read it yourself, “……I am so happy today in my life. I become friend with a lot of many friends……” Funny enough? Not only do I improve my knowledge, but I also have gained many beautiful-hearted friends. We laugh at the same jokes, we cry when mountains of assignment have been placed upon us, we desperately stay up all night cramming for exams, we cooperatively procrastinate when deadlines nearly come, we eat, we sing, we gossip, we fight, we pull each other’s hair, we tease each other, we go on trip together, and most importantly, we all are going to graduate from IFL, the moment when we can’t do these things anymore. Thinking of this does turn me into a flood of tears, but the truth is true. I can’t change anything but count those moments as the dream that I together with my fellows used to dream.

I believe everything is not the coincidence. It is arranged by GOD. He led me to IFL, He’s brought me greatest friends, and He’s made every single day of mine at IFL the masterpiece. If possible, I’d like to store the feeling in those moments somewhere in order to charge it into my heart whenever I want to feel it. Am I too emotional? Yes, I am.

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